We conducted a second casting call because not as many women as we would have liked to have heard from actually auditioned to become narrators. Sooo, this time, in addition to the $5 we again will reward to all winners, we are also offering a jewelry sur-prize just for the females, which is (drumroll, please) $5 towards the purchase of a custom creation from Charmed by Crystal. In case they have no idea what they would want designed for them, we have been provided pictures of one or two-of-a-kind items customers can choose from, that only cost $5 (note that shipping is separate from the price of the piece; however, purchasers can combine their two prizes together to cover it – whatever funds remain from the $10 total will be refunded via PayPal). If that is not clear, you can e-mail me. To pick your prize, you can contact Orders@CharmedbyCrystal.com. Thanks to all whom auditioned !!


Top of B, C, and D (from left to right/bottom to top):

Underside of B, C, and D (from left to right/bottom to top):

Top of E:

Underside of E:


G and H (left to right):
